martedì 28 maggio 2019

From Sardinia to Tenerife

eTwinning project 

ICS Eleonora d'Arborea - San Gavino Monreale and CEIP Almácigo, Canary Islands - Spain. 

A pen-pal project where the students get closer to each other, explore their daily lives, hobbies,countries and culture using email, TwinSpace, messanger, and photos. This is the end of the project after a school year of activities.

The students of 1C - 1B - 1A

With this video we thank you, dear friends of CEIP Almácigo, Canary Islands - Spain. We are sad because the project is over, but we are delighted to have met wonderful people like you. We thank you all.

"I NOSTRI PAPIRI" - Classi 4A - 4B Via Caddeo

I NOSTRI PAPIRI Gli alunni delle classi 4A - 4B della Scuola Primaria di Via Caddeo  hanno realizzato questi bellissimi papiri COMPLIMENTI P...